Brf Shiitake,

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Location: Malmö, Solbacken
Year: March 2018 – February 2019
Typology:: Radhus i bostadsrättsförening
Size: 13 townhouses
Principal architect: Cord Siegel
Senior architect: Martin Stavenow Svensson
Junior architects:: Ragnvi Melin, Natalie Adelhoefer
Landscape architect: Ola Nielsen (Siegel)
Photography: Peter Carlsson

In Shiitake, the shared and the private spaces are intertwined in a playful way. The private west-facing garden adjoins the communal courtyard with pool, sauna, greenhouse, planter boxes, workshop/studio and storage. All townhouses are similar but unique, tailored to the wishes of the residents. The less private rooms are placed on the ground floor with floor-to-ceiling windows, while more private spaces are placed on the upper floor - with a view that stretches far over the surrounding neighbourhoods.


"Brf Shiitake shows that it is possible to create a good living environment with great functionality in a small area and that it is possible to densify without sacrificing greenery and vegetation. There is room for both a private sphere and community between the neighbours and within the neighbourhood. This is a small housing project that can inspire and serve as a model for larger projects in the city" - Sofia Hedén (S), Chair of the City Planning Committee (translated from Swedish by Siegel).

"Brf. Shiitake in Malmö displays a simple and obvious architecture where the quality of living is high. The architects' reading of the site's qualities and conditions is well taken care of in the architecture. The residents' ability to influence the layout and choice of materials is commendable, but the really nice thing is the presence of spaces for both togetherness and privacy that have arisen thanks to the design of the townhouses and the area. There are private and communal spaces and functions, both outdoors and indoors, creating new management solutions and an everyday community for all ages."


Puustelli blogg

”Eko och mångfald satte prägeln på unika kök” >>
Blog post about the kitchens in Shiitake (SWE).