The first tenants have now moved into Mariastugan in Höllviken. Mariastugan is a climate neutral building in accordance with LFM30 with a focus on reducing carbon emissions. To achieve this, each building element has been considered to optimise the durability and technical properties of its materials. The house has a site-built frame in eco-concrete, which results in 40% lower carbon emissions. The facade is clad in oak, inspired by Josef Frank's furniture and the wooden villas in the area, for long durability in the harsh weather conditions. The staircase, windows, roof and exterior structure are also mainly built in wood. CL, glue-laminated and solid wood are used in the construction from large to small components. From beams, joists and boards, to cellulose insulation. The task of building in a climate-neutral way in the context of geographical and economic conditions without compromising on housing quality has created a new, exciting architecture.
Siegel wishes all new tenants a warm welcome!
Read more and see new photos of Mariastugan here.
Photos: Peter Carlsson