We hold the building process together by designing, building and managing housing projects and commercial premises. By taking responsibility for the big picture we expand the role of the architect and create unique living environments based on strong concepts.
Welcome to a different world.

Cykelhuset Ohboy, nu del av ArkDes samling
En modell av Cykelhuset Ohboy är nu del av Sveriges Arkitektur- och designmuseum, ArkDes, samling! Vid återöppnandet av ArkDes, den...2023-12-22 Klimatneutralt byggande i samverkan med skogen
Klimatneutralt byggande i samverkan med skogenMariastugan har under hösten uppmärksammats som det första klimatneutrala projektet inom LFM30s ambitiösa agenda att få...2023-11-13 Mariastugan tilldelas Vellinge kommuns Samhällsbyggnadspris 2023
Mariastugan: 2023 års mottagare av Vellinge kommuns Samhällsbyggnadspris! Foto: Peter Carlsson Mariastugan tilldelas Vellinge kommuns Samhällsbyggnadspris 2023! Fantastiskt kul tycker vi...2023-10-07 Öppet hus i Mariastugan 13 oktober 13:00-14:30
Mariastugans sociala trädgård med pool, odlingslådor och växthus. Foto: Peter Carlsson Siegel bjuder in till öppet hus den 13 oktober kl...
Our projects are shaped by clear concepts - ideas to innovate and improve people's everyday lives. Our projects share an ecological approach with rich greenery, solutions for climate-smart urban mobility and planning that promotes social interaction.
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We take on a different role from what is expected of architects. With us, the architect is the project creator, designer, construction manager and site manager. With the office on site, we are where it happens, as it happens.
We take part in every step of the process in our projects, from the first sketch to move-in day. We are architects with extended responsibilities - we are project creators, designers, construction managers and site managers. Owning our projects allows us to organise the construction process in a smarter way, with the freedom to constantly evolve the project and the building so that we can address problems that arise as they arise, and be open to new solutions.
It's a way of working we're proud of and feel confident about. Regardless of the economic climate, we carry out complex and innovative projects. We create housing solutions that don't cost more for tenants or homebuyers, but offer something out of the ordinary.

Based in Malmö, we design projects all over the country and beyond. The office can usually be found in barracks directly at the construction site, where we work in small teams close to craftsmen and clients. We have deliberately dissolved the boundaries between the client, architect and producer roles to be where the action is, ready to answer questions and keep the project moving forward without wasting time.
In order to be able to work investigatively and freely without intermediaries, Siegel forms a group of companies that covers all aspects of construction. Architecture, construction and function are developed together by a single actor, and in some of the projects we continue on as property managers.
Siegel Architecture AB is part of a group of companies with the parent company Siegel Group AB. The group also includes project development companies and real estate companies. The hotel in Ohboy is conducted in a separate hotel company. The group is wholly owned by Cord Siegel.
Are you looking for a housing developer, an apartment, an interview or perhaps a new employer? Find out who to contact for your question here.

It is possible to make something different from the often standardised solutions that many building operators are bound to. It is possible to create projects with strong identity and genuine variety, for those who are curious and prepared to take on the future today.
Municipalities and private landowners who want to invest in innovative projects with ecological aspects and focus on urban mobility are welcome to contact Cord Siegel for presentation and dialogue. We would be happy to come to your site and discuss project opportunities. We are also more than happy to show you around our completed projects and explain our processes on site.
Siegel also works, when the conditions are right, in partnership with other real estate developers and real estate companies and we're happy to develop concepts for new projects in dialogue with such partners.
Siegel Architecture AB
Spårvägen 19
212 51 Malmö – Sweden
Phone: 040 – 636 46 80
Balder Svärd
Cord Siegel
Arkitekt SAR/MSA, Ägare & styrelseordförande
+46 73-523 90 01
Martin Stavenow Svensson
Arkitekt SAR/MSA, VD
+46 73-523 30 01
Ossian Karlsson
Arkitekt MSA, Förvaltare
+46 73-588 00 99
Are you interested in living in any of our projects? All our available rental apartments are advertised and mediated through HomeQ, see more below under the heading Buy or rent. And create an account on HomeQ.
För specifika frågor om våra hyreshus Ohboy, Iggy och Mariastugan kan du skicka mail till oss, klicka på respektive husnamn. Vill du däremot söka lägenhet gör du det via HomeQ.
För pressbilder, intervjuer, studiebesök m.m. skicka ett mail till cord@siegel.nu.
För pressbilder, tryck här.
Send your job application to this address to get in touch with our recruitment team: jobb@siegel.nu.
or rent
We build both rental apartments that we manage ourselves, and condominiums that we sell. Whether you prefer to rent or buy, there's a chance to find a home in one of our unique residential projects!
Live in our rental apartments
All vacancies in our rental properties are advertised on HomeQ. Create a free account on HomeQ and search for our apartments. We do not have our own housing queue. When a vacant apartment appears, you can register your interest and possibly be offered a viewing and, in the best case, a contract. All our vacant apartments are listed here on our website, but the link will take you to HomeQ.
We give priority to applicants who are already living in our properties, because we want them to be able to stay with us for the long term.
Read more and create an account on HomeQ's website here. Available apartments in our properties can be seen below!
Apartments for lease
Mariastugan, Höllviken
MariaStugan, ett hus inspirerat av Josef Franks möbler.
Färdigställt 2023, tilldelades Vellinge Kommuns Stadsbyggnadspris 2023.
IGGY, Sorgenfri Malmö
Iggy has 69 apartments split between 2 stairwells. There is a communal sauna with panoramic views and terrace, a guest apartment, a bicycle pool, and more.
For more information, visit Iggy's website >>
Ohboy, Västra Hamnen Malmö
The Bike Building Ohboy has 55 apartments, a bike pool, indoor bike parking and a shared roof terrace and orangery.
For more information, visit Ohboy's website >>
Apartments for purchase
Brf Hackspett, Östra Kålltorp Göteborg
Now it is possible to design your apartment according to your preferences or to build it yourself. The elevations and floors create a frame that is ready to be filled your ideas and the communal spaces will be designed by you together with your neighbours.
In Brf Hackspett, residents will be involved in the design of their own homes and communal areas, together with the architect, the developer and their new neighbours. The 48 apartments range from 71-152 sq.m. over 2-6 rooms, in penthouses with Göteborg's best views, flexible corner apartments with bay windows and spacious balconies, and two-storey apartments combining house and city living!
For more information please visit the realtor's site for Brf Hackspett >>
Press +
Our completed projects have received great attention and many awards. A selection of awards, nominations and publications about the projects are presented here.
”Med inspiration från Josef Franks möbler och arkitektur har Höllviken berikats med en ny grön pärla längs Falsterbovägen. Projektet utgör ett modernt framtidsinriktat boende i hyresform som kompletterar övrigt bostadsutbud i Höllviken. 36 hyreslägenheter med alla kvaliteter från ett villaboende. Med en stor gemensam trädgård, privata terrasser och balkonger, swimmingpool och odlingslådor. Hyresgästerna har dessutom tillgång till gästlägenheter, gym, bastu och verkstad. Lägenheterna är av varierande storlekar och karaktärer, alla med egna värden. Mariastugan har på ett föredömligt sätt förenat arkitektoniska kvalitéer och hållbarhet. Projektet är det första klimatneutrala i enlighet med det lokala initiativet LFM30 i Sverige. Ett klimatneutralt bygge innebär att man reducerar koldioxidsutsläppen under hela byggprocessen, från materialtillverkning och transporter till energiförbrukning på bygget. Den urbana biologiska mångfalden främjas av rik växtlighet på gården och även klätterväxterna på fasaderna med ek från Sinclairsholm. Sammantaget bidrar dessa parametrar till projektets unika utformning. Mariastugan är en förebild för hållbart byggande för kommande generationer i Vellinge kommun.”
”Likt en punkare (red: Iggy Pop) i vår tid banar Cord Siegel nya vägar för att lyckas med sina platsspecifika arkitektoniska gestaltningar, senast Iggy-huset i Sorgenfri.
Hans livsbejakande arkitektur med hög hållbarhetsambition bidrar till sociala möten och urban puls. Hans nydanande, ofta praktiskt mobila lösningar, tillskott av grön konst och inkluderande gaturum lyfter Malmö som nu- och framtida stad.”
”Bostadshuset Iggy andas heavy metal! Med sin reslighet skapar byggnaden en välgörande rygg åt Spiggans plats och erbjuder en hisnande utsikt över stadslandskapet. Den råa roströda fasaden för tanken till Sorgenfris industriella historia. Kontrasterande rik grönska och detaljer som en allmän vattenfontän, visar på stor omtanke om upplevelsen och livet i gatunivå. Istället för en parkeringsplats, har de boende bastu, textilstugor och replokal. Med generösa rumshöjder, ljusinsläpp och loftlösningar demonstreras hur variation och boendekvaliteter utöver det vanliga går att åstadkomma till ett rimligt pris. Iggy är ett projekt som lockar till hållbara livsstilsändringar och bäddar för kreativitet.”
"Brf. Shiitake in Malmö displays a simple and obvious architecture where the quality of living is high. The architects' reading of the site's qualities and conditions is well taken care of in the architecture. The residents' ability to influence the layout and choice of materials is commendable, but the really nice thing is the presence of spaces for both togetherness and privacy that have arisen thanks to the design of the townhouses and the area. There are private and communal spaces and functions, both outdoors and indoors, creating new management solutions and an everyday community for all ages."
Svensk byggtidning
”Skånes arkitekturpris går till unikt Malmökvarter” >>
Article about the project (SWE).
Puustelli blogg
”Eko och mångfald satte prägeln på unika kök” >>
Blog post about the kitchens in Shiitake (SWE).
"With conviction, commitment and previous experience of innovative residential projects, H&S has built kv. Ohboy in-house. The building is located at the skate park Stapelbädden in Västra Hamnen in Malmö, an area that has previously been inaccessible or perceived as unsafe.
The project exudes both simplicity and extravagance, the pure concrete plays the main character, but at the same time lets the individuality of each accommodation come to the fore. Both the apartments and the other communal areas such as the roof terrace, the common room, the courtyard and the bicycle parking show a care and empathy for everyday life, design and execution that is rare in today's Swedish housing production.
The project is highlighted as a much-needed good example where economy, materials, buildability and careful planning, contribute to both the quality of living and urban life in small and large ways. Sometimes requirements for ground floor facilities and strict noise regulations can seem to conflict with the interests of the developer, but this is not the case here. Here, the solution helps to bring street life into focus with the help of the ground floor's innovative bike hotel, where each room is endowed with a bike and a welcoming green planted edge zone, slightly blurring the boundary between private and public and contributing to the presence and safety of the urban space."
"At Stapelbäddsparken in Malmö's Västra Hamnen stands a playful and quirky concrete apartment building with an unusual hotel on the ground floor. The green entrances of the hotel rooms with their associated bikes and trees contribute with a clearly articulated ground floor that enriches the street environment. The design is characterised by the connection to the skate park across the street through balconies and terraces that face the park. The aesthetic expression, as well as the concrete and wood materials, give the apartments a distinctive and rustic character. The architecture of the building feels refreshing, innovative and inspiring. The well-placed and dense greenery of the courtyard conveys an intense feeling of forest in the middle of the city. In a very small area, space has been given to vegetation and drainage beds. Through the greenery runs an oak plank walkway to the hotel room and bicycle storage. Ohboy adds great social and ecological sustainability qualities to the rest of the city, not least through its focus on cycling as an alternative mode of transport. It feels natural to bring the bike into the living room. The way it brings together several forms of accommodation and the personal approach is as unique as it is inspiring. In today's construction, these are qualities that should be highlighted."
"Cord Siegel constantly challenges accepted truths and norms and leaves no one indifferent. A person who has the courage to 'stand his ground' in the face of opposition - and constantly recharge. He has created projects unlike any other, housing adapted to changing needs and in bike houses with motels/hotels - nothing is the same.
Cord Siegel is a role model for sustainable community building with a natural approach to diversity, equality, ecology and environmental considerations where no detail is too small to be taken into account."
“Ohboy vilket hus!’” >>
Article about one of the apartments and interview with Cord Siegel (SWE).
Residence Magazine (SE)
”Älskade och hatade betongförorter” >>
Article about the exhibition "Flying Concrete" which Ohboy was a part of (SWE).
Expressen Leva & Bo
“Annette om livet i heta Ohboy-huset: ‘Det är hipsterkänsla’” >>
Article about one of the apartments (SWE).
Politiken (DK)
“Hoteltjek: Her følger der en cykel med værelset” >>
Article about the bike hotel in Ohboy (DK).
Tidskriften Arkitektur
“Cykelvision” >>
Article about the project (SWE).
The Atlantic (US)
”Designing an apartment for bike communters” >>
Article about the project (SWE).
Streetfilms (US)
"With a convincing commitment and rationality as a basis, space-efficient and beautiful homes with townhouse qualities are created in the dense city. Materials and light are skilfully managed and the strong presence of greenery illustrates the high social and environmental ambitions of the project. The Ohoj condominiums and the unique process of its creation challenges the role of the architect and the residents in urban development."
”Ohoj in Malmö's Västra Hamnen receives the 2015 Residential Award for a climate-smart, green and socially sustainable addition to the cityscape. A dynamic collaboration with the users results in a liberating residential building in its context. Great spatial qualities within the dwelling are achieved through an intricate work with volume and simple materials. Ohoj inspires and finds new ways of housing today."
"Ohoj is a residential building with ten apartments, all with two floors. With a simple and ingenious building structure as a basis, the residents have been involved at an unusually early stage and have been able to influence, for example, the layout of the rooms and the fixed furnishings. Through such individual choices, ideas about the general qualities of housing are challenged. Level differences and contrasts between open spatial contexts and smaller crevices create dynamism. A conscious balance between repetition and variation in the design and placement of windows provides fine views without transparency and brings light far into the apartments. With simple solutions and few components, the inherent qualities of the materials have been used in a sculptural and elegant way. Communal and private spaces interact in outdoor environments and all residents have their own places for gardening."
Hållbart Byggande
”Brf Ohoj i Malmö belönas med arkitekturpriset Prefab 2016” >>
Article about the project (SWE).
Tidsskriften Arkitektur
”Bostadsrättsföreningen Ohoj – Urbana radhus med biologisk mångfald” >>
Article about the project (SWE).
"The European housing fair Bo01 was the starting point for sustainable urban development in Malmö. It also created new forms of cooperation where the public and private sectors worked together in a very forward-looking and successful way. The development of Västra Hamnen has also become a stimulating experimental arena that has inspired actors to take initiatives in the name of sustainability. An early, creative and innovative actor in Västra Hamnen was, and still is, the energy company E.on.
With Hållbarheten the company has meritoriously and excitingly taken a further step in the sustainability development of Västra Hamnen by expanding its role to include not only a developer but also an energy developer and energy supplier. Hållbarheten can be likened to a research project with one leg on the technology side and the other on the behavioural side. Working closely with the architect, it has created attractive forms of living based on its own energy production and with minimal energy consumption together with advanced energy management.
Hållbarheten consists of eight apartments on four floors, four of which are heated by district heating, two by biogas and two by electric heat pumps. Each apartment has its own garden, self-watering orangery, access to a sauna and pool. Each apartment has around sixty measuring points and the residents' analysis tools are a tablet or smartphone to control various energy points.
By selecting different target groups, the analysis of the experimental housing, which will last, in a first phase, for three years, will provide valuable information on energy use and where this experience can be used in new projects.
The creation and implementation of Hållbarheten is another milestone for Västra Hamnen and Malmö in its ambition to be at the forefront of sustainable urban development and the project is a valuable addition to the urban environment in Malmö."
Kloka hem
”Energisnålt experiment” >>
Article about living in Hållbarheten (SWE).
Hus och Hem
”Vi bor i ett experiment” >>
Article about living in Hållbarheten (SWE).
Tidskriften Arkitektur
”Livet i labbet” >>
Article about the project. Nr. 3 pp. 84-91. (SWE)
”Möt Hauschild + Siegel som ritat Hållbarheten” >>
Article about (Hauschild +) Siegel and the project (SWE).
”Gröna hus i västra hamnen” >>
Article about the project (SWE).
"With enthusiasm, commitment and an uncompromising attitude to form, UrbanaVillor has deepened the discussion on the goals of good living with community living and increased sustainability. With a kind of 'charming sloppiness', the project is nevertheless carefully executed. In addition, in-house, with the architects' sense of responsibility as inspiration for further bold experimentation.
Taking sustainability as a starting point, a new form of interaction between architecture and landscape has been initiated in this block of flats for residents living in community around cultivation and greenery. With this approach, several architectural implications become clear.
The exterior to the courtyard is characterised by balconies for gardening, and roof terraces facilitate the connection between the interior and the exterior environment of the apartments. Both the elevator, which is in direct contact with the apartments, and the external spiral staircase minimise communication surfaces, which contributes to a reduction in the use of resources and strengthens the expression of the courtyard façade. With an open ground floor and generous space for bicycles, energy-efficient modes of transport are encouraged. The large balconies facing the street also reflect an openness to new architectural expressions that bluntly turn away from the decorative.
The apartments are characterised by robust materials, meticulous detailing and bold experimentation with living, where spaces for rest and hygiene are combined in dramatic constellations."
ArchitectureAU (AU)
”Co-houshing learning from Sweden” >>
About UrbanaVillor as inspiration for quality residential projects (ENG).
Arkitektens trädgård
”Arkitektens trädgård” >>
Participation in book (SWE).
DN Bostad
”Egen trädgård mitt i stan” >>
Article about one of the apartments (SWE).
Cord Siegel
Still curious about the history of us? Staffan Carenholm gives us a portrait of Cord Siegel, the person behind the company.
Text by Staffan Carenholm (originally in Swedish, translated by Siegel).
Staffan Carenholm is the former long-time director of Architects Sweden. He is the initiator of the association Föreningen Byggande Arkitekter and is currently involved in the development of the construction sector's standard agreements.
He kisses the future
It is a day in February 2020. I'm talking to Cord Siegel about his philosophy on architecture and building. We talk about how he takes a holistic approach to the building process in a whole new way and the identity it gives to the business of architecture.
The location is Sorgenfri in Malmö, where Cord and his colleagues are completing their latest project, IGGY, a building with 70 apartments for an urban, modern lifestyle based on a concept of modern mobility, for health, the environment and social interaction.
- Everyone is thinking about the future and wondering how to face it, Cord says. I myself have chosen to face it, it's already here. There's nothing to wait for, we can and must build today for the future we're already in the middle of.
- What I'm doing now is kissing the future, he says, I kiss the future.